Your "Cup O' Joe"

Happy “Saint” Patrick’s Day. There are so many holidays attributed to the recognition of saints. St. Valentine, St. Nickolas, All Saints Day. What is a saint?

Basically, a saint is a “holy one” or someone who is set apart for God’s special purpose. To understand this at its simplest, every follower of Jesus is a saint. The word for saint is throughout the New Testament, particularly the writings of Paul even when writing to the churches that exhibited significant moral and theological problems. How saintly one acts is a choice the individual needs to make. You can be a saint and not be very saintly or consistently saintly.

The saints that we celebrate in our holidays exhibited saintly behavior in a long-term consistent way. I am not saying that if you are very good that we are going to create a holiday for you, but they did not behave the way they did for their own recognition and neither should we.

Our daily behavior should be for the glory of God and not for the pleasing of people. Live your life as an individual set apart for God’s special purpose. Know that God has a plan for you whether you know what it is or not. Be ready for the day that God reveals that purpose for you. Remind yourself on a regular basis that you are a saint and that God loves you, cares for you and has a plan for you.