Cup O Joe
February 24, 2021
I did an activity with my students once where I asked them to name as many things that they could see from where they were that were red. Each student made their list and then we compared the lists noting that no two students saw exactly the same items. The students later told me that they caught themselves looking for red things the rest of the day.
I am asked sometimes, “Where is God?” It is easy to say that he is everywhere because anywhere that he did not exist that place would not exist. The trouble is that we will often not take the time to “see” him. When we start looking for him then we will see him everywhere we look.
Yes, I saw God today. I saw him in the beautiful sunrise. I saw him in flowers starting to bloom. I saw him in a mother hugging her child and a father patting his kid on the back. I saw him in one student helping another. I saw him in a fellow teacher stopping by my room just to make sure that things were going ok. I saw him in a daughter celebrating her father’s healing.
If you don’t see God, I want you to stop and take a look. Your list will not be the same as my list. We will see him from the perspective of where we are right now. And when we begin to see him, we will start to see him all the time. You just have to look.