Our Sunday Worship Service begins at 11 a.m. with a time of singing. A member of the leadership team shares announcements. There is also a time of special music, with a song from members of the church, our choir, or our childrens' choir.
After the special music, the children gather in the front of the auditorium for the Childrens' Message, given by one of the ladies of the church. Immediately following the Childrens' Message, the children are dismissed to Childrens' Church. This is for grades Pre-K through 4th grade. Nursery is also available for children ages 3 and under.
Once the children have been dismissed, our pastor comes to the platform. He has a time of prayer with the church and we sing another song. At the conclusion of the song is a time of offering. If you are a guest, please complete a visitor card and put it in the plate.
After the offering has been collected and presented, the pastor continues the worship service with a message from the Bible. The message is about 30-35 minutes. Pastor Joe preaches through books of the Bible. At the end of the sermon, the pastor gives a time for people in the church to reflect and respond to the message.
We hope that you will enjoy the service and will consider joining us again.